Should I Buy A Maintenance Plan for My Air Conditioner

Aug 13, 2022

Is maintaining your air conditioner important?

Are AC Maintenance Plans Worth It?

Do you own an air conditioner in your home? If you do, you most likely know how tough it can be to keep it cool all summer long. Air Conditioners work hard to maintain a comfortable temperature and staying operative can be a challenge. This is why maintaining your air conditioner is so important. However, most people don’t understand the significance of scheduled maintenance on their air conditioning system. Failure to take care of your air conditioner could result in poor performance, higher energy costs, and even lower indoor air quality. Fortunately, now you know that there’s no need to break the bank to keep your AC running efficiently all year round! In this blog, we’ll discuss if you should have scheduled maintenance on your AC and the signs that indicate when it’s time for getting it serviced.

The Importance of Air Conditioner Maintenance

The importance of air conditioner maintenance is more than just having it serviced. It also prevents the occurrence of many damaging consequences. These consequences are broken down into two categories: physical and financial. If your air conditioner is not properly maintained, then the following issues may occur: -It will cost you more money to run your AC -Your AC will work harder and consume more energy -Poor indoor air quality could result in a sickening effect on your family -In severe cases, carbon monoxide poisoning or fire can occur

The Main Parts of Air Conditioners That Go Bad

Air conditioning units have a variety of parts that need to be maintained and monitored regularly. These include the evaporator, condenser, and compressor. The evaporator is an important component of your AC unit because it helps cool the indoor air with refrigerant gas. If it doesn’t function correctly, then your AC will not properly cool the air in your home, leading to higher energy costs and poor performance. The condenser is also important because it receives heat from the outside world and transfers it to the refrigerant gas in your AC unit. If this component breaks down, then your AC will not be able to cool your home as efficiently. Finally, there’s the compressor which can go bad as well and must be serviced as needed. All three parts working together ensure that you are comfortable during the hot summer months!

How to Extend The Life Span of Your AC Unit

While most homeowners know how to take care of their AC unit by using the air filter and regularly cleaning the grille, they might not be aware of when it’s time for scheduled maintenance. The best thing to do is to schedule a service every year, or 6 months. This will help ensure that your system is operating at peak efficiency for as long as possible. If you have any questions about your AC unit, call in an expert from our team!

Should I Invest In An AC Maintenance Plan?

If you own an air conditioner and want to maintain it, you might consider investing in an AC maintenance plan. Luckily, this is a decision that’s easy to make with the right information. First, contact your HVAC Company and ask them what their fees are for maintenance plans. You can also contact Double M Air Conditioning for more information about our AC maintenance plans. From there, it’s up to you whether or not you want to invest in a plan that will take care of your air conditioning system. If you do decide to go ahead with this option, be sure not to put if off too long, or you may end up with an unpleasant air conditioner emergency!

01 Aug, 2022
HVAC systems can be pricy. Maintenance could save you a great deal of money in the future.
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It's important to know your limits, when it comes to your Air Conditioner.
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